How long does it take to build a simulation model & analysis?
It depends on the size and scope of the facility and proposed layouts. A typical model can be constructed in less than a months’ time. The data collect phase can delay matters; but the good news is: surrogate values can always be used and readily be updated upon future accurate input.
What are the phases of building a simulation model?
Objective, Assumptions, Data Collection, Build Model, Verify & Validate, Experimentation, Results, Implementation, Continuous Improvement, Replication.
What makes up a simulation data input file?
Cycle times [Manual Labor, Automated], Downtime values [MTBF, MTTR], Change Overs, Tool Set-ups, Travel times, Conveyor speeds, Number of Carriers, Number of resources [Labor, Forklifts, AGV’s], etc.
Where do the simulation input values come from?
Shop-floor data collection systems, historical reports, engineering takt times & design rates, vendor requirements, etc.
Who should be on the simulation team?
Key point of contact [Manufacturing Engineer], Management, Quality Engineer, Plant Management, and Plant Manufacturing engineer.
Can studies be conducted & delivered via WebEx or Goto Meetings?
Yes. Most of our clients choice to set-up weekly meetings utilizing online resources.
What are some typical Performance Metrics?
Throughput [Parts per Hour], Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE [Availability, Performance, Quality], First Time Through, Schedule Adherence, Dock to Dock (TIS), Return on Investment, Equipment States [Working, Waiting, Blocked, Downtime, Changeover, Off-Shift, Resource Starved, Scheduled Maintenance]
Can we purchase SIMUL8 directly from MTN-SIM, LLC?
Yes. MTN-SIM, LLC is a Certified SIMUL8 Solution Provider. Your company will receive any and all current SIMUL8 offers and SIMUL8 support; MTN-SIM, LLC acts as a consulting SIMUL8 Ambassador directing working with SIMUL8.
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Certified SIMUL8 Solution Provider